갈루아의 반서재


The UnValentine :
The UnValentine : "Think of a day that describes Valentine's day and rhymes with cupid." by Jesse Draper 저작자 표시비영리변경 금지

마켓팅이 먹히지 않는다면, 그건 당신의 약속이 쓸모없거나 (그리고 거창하거나)

아니면 사람들이 보기에 당신 그 약속을 지킬 것 같지 않기 때문이다. 

Useful and believable promises

That's another way to think about marketing.

We only sign up/pay attention to/pay for offers from marketers when:

What's promised is something we think is worth more than it costs


We believe you're the best person to keep that promise.

This applies to resumes, meetings and even the kid raking your lawn.

If your marketing isn't working, it's either because your promises aren't useful (and big) enough or we don't believe you're the one to keep them.

