갈루아의 반서재


Dolphins by Lutz-R. Frank 저작자 표시비영리변경 금지

고객서비스의 유일한 목적은 고객의 감정을 바꾸는 것이다. 

팩트가 아니라 고객이 느끼는 방식을 바꾸는 것이다. 

때로는 가격이나 반품, 대기 시간 등의 팩트를 바꾸는 것이 감정을 변화시키는 첩경이 되기도 하지만, 항상 그런 것은 아니며 항상 충분하게 작동하지도 않는다. 

The only purpose of 'customer service'...

is to change feelings. Not the facts, but the way your customer feels. The facts might be the price, or a return, or how long someone had to wait for service. Sometimes changing the facts is a shortcut to changing feelings, but not always, and changing the facts alone is not always sufficient anyway.

If a customer service protocol (your call center/complaints department/returns policy) is built around stall, deny, begrudge and finally, to the few who persist, acquiesce, then it might save money, but it is a total failure.

The customer who seeks out your help isn't often looking to deplete your bank account. He is usually seeking validation, support and a path to feeling the way he felt before you let him down.

The best measurement of customer support is whether, after the interaction, the customer would recommend you to a friend. Time on the line, refunds given or the facts of the case are irrelevant. The feelings are all that matter, and changing feelings takes humanity and connection, not cash.


이제는 작은 것이 큰 것이다
저자 : 세스 고딘(Seth Godin) / 안진환역
출판 : 도서출판재인 2009.08.20
